Hi! I’m Nicola, a product designer who loves creating software for startups (and startups-at-heart).

Video streaming for youth sports

Workflows in the music industry

Video streaming and video management features for youth sports fans and coaches.

A startup sprint, greenfield discovery research and MVP concept for an app to let people use the power of quantified self to learn about their skin.

Image showing two screenshots from an app called "Kinnd: skincare tracking, made to solve acne."

Big data meets the beauty industry.

Bringing an agile, startup-style process to a research project for the NSW government.

Researching property data

A product for :Different landlords to manage their property, communicate with the property manager, and not drive their tenants totally crazy…

An app for landlords (to also make tenant’s lives easier)

Older projects

Property management software, with a design system to match

Audience management tools for Google events

The new digital driver’s license for NSW. With Pivotal Labs, I did the initial greenfield research and design for a government product now used by 3.9 million people. 🤩


Previous projects & clients

Service NSW






  • I designed Postfacto, a retrospective app that grew to thousands of regular users and was a Pivotal Labs staple before going open source.

  • I ran and hosted a design meetup, which at one point was hosting weekly lunchtime talks with audiences of ±100.

  • I’ve spoken at conferences around the world.

💖 kindness 💖 transparency 💖 research 💖 ethical design 💖